Friday, February 20, 2009

My thoughts for Today

I have been reading a great book lately called, 'The Tangible Kingdom'. It has really made me process what I do for work and what God is asking me to do with my life.  I continue to spend a lot of time with my neighbors.  It really takes a lot of time and effort and trust and love to get out of my comfortable space. But I REALLY want my neighbors to know Jesus- to have hope in their life, to know they have value, to know they are not alone in their journey.
A few days ago my boss came back from Sudan. He told me that they are so hungry for God there- they have nothing and they just sat and listened to him teach for hours.  Then they would not leave because they wanted more.  There is that same need for God here and I want Him to awaken my friends to it.  So, I am attempting to join God in what He's doing right outside my house.  Today I spent time with one of my neighbors who is getting married. She invited me to go look at churches with her- which I was happy to do.  Later, I went to another neighbors to visit with her and she was so excited that I came. She speaks little English so she is excited that I would be willing to come help her practice.  And now she wants me to learn Chinese and go with her to Taiwan. :0  

Troy is in Virginia doing a recording for a few days. I love my musician husband! 

1 comment:

The Knight Family said...

That is awesome Trish! I love your passion. Would love to hear more. you are such an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I forget sometimes why we are here on this earth. It is a good reminder. I hope Troy has a good time in Virginia. We should get together.